• Animal Kingdom

  • Plant Kingdom

  • Fungi Kingdom

  • Protist Kingdom

  • Moneran Kingdom

About us.

We are five future teacher who want to teach in a different way, who want their students to retain the information and have fun doing it. We are five teachers of the future who will never forget that Technologies are fundamental in all areas and, above all, in education. In this blog you can learn a lot about living things from the five animal kingdoms. You can expand information that you already know and, in addition, use the resources we provide to make learning much easier. We live in a world full of each and every one of them, let's take care of them because otherwise they will disappear and if they do, we will do it with them.

Fungi Kigndom

The kingdom of fungi, also called fungi is a kingdom within the 5 kingdoms of living beings. Therefore, to begin with, we will say that fungi are living beings. But they are not vegetables or animals. These are two kingdoms different from mushrooms.

Fungi, unlike vegetables, are heterotrophic (they can not make their own food) and therefore they DO NOT have chlorophyll and therefore can not perform photosynthesis. If we had to define fungi we would have to do it for their properties.

What is a fungi? Where does it live?

A fungi is a living being, pluri or unicellular (formed by one or more than one cell), which have eukaryotic cells, their food is heterotrophic, feeding by absorption (absorption = decomposers, rotting things and the product resulting from this putrefaction or decomposition they absorb it), they are immobile and they usually live in humid places.

What does it need to live? 

Unlike plants, which make their own food, fungi are like miniature versions of our stomach. Fungi eat by releasing enzymes out of their bodies that break down nutrients into smaller pieces, which they can then absorb. This feeding strategy means that fungi always live on their food.

Rotten Bread and fungus in the microscope

Types of mushrooms


Group of molds, for example the famous black mold of bread.


It is the most numerous group where we find the yeast, the morel and the truffles.

These are decomposing saprophytic fungi that can live on numerous subtrates, even underground, as is the case with truffles.


They are called "Mushrooms"


Group formed mainly by microscopic aquatic fungi, although some can also grow on decaying organic matter or living organisms such as worms, insects, plants and other fungi. In this case, the spores, called "zoospores", have flagella that allow them to move in liquid media.

The spores, called "zoospores"

The most useful and important fungi

The yeasts, for the elaboration of bread for example.
Penicillin and cephalosporin.


The mushrooms are the breeding part of certain mushrooms
Mushrooms with mushrooms are reproduced by spores that are in the mushroom. These mushrooms could not reproduce without the mushroom

Logically not all fungi have mushrooms. The mushrooms with which some cheeses are made do not have.
