• Animal Kingdom

  • Plant Kingdom

  • Fungi Kingdom

  • Protist Kingdom

  • Moneran Kingdom

About us.

We are five future teacher who want to teach in a different way, who want their students to retain the information and have fun doing it. We are five teachers of the future who will never forget that Technologies are fundamental in all areas and, above all, in education. In this blog you can learn a lot about living things from the five animal kingdoms. You can expand information that you already know and, in addition, use the resources we provide to make learning much easier. We live in a world full of each and every one of them, let's take care of them because otherwise they will disappear and if they do, we will do it with them.

Protist Kingdom

What are protists?

Protoctists were first eukaryotes in evolve. Protists are among the most complex living cells. While most are unicellular, there are some multicelular. They can live on their own, however the majority grows in colonies, depending on each other to survive.

Protists are similar to monera in that they are unicellular. Protists are a bit more complex because they contain a nucleus. They also have moving parts and can move around within their environment.
Unicelular lifeforms

Many protoctists appear to be both plant and animal. Like plants, they are green, and can create their own food. However, like animals, they have moving body parts and are able to move around their environments. You can see why scientists no longer classify living things into two kingdoms.

Protoctist create their own food.

Where do they live?

Protists built their homes in water, such as oceans, ponds, lakes and streams. Some adhere to rocks and reside at the bottom, while others float on the surface of the water, taking advantage of photosynthesis. They also live in aquariums and feeders for birds. Aquatic environments are ideal for protists, since they have cilia and flagella that allow them to move through the water. Being single-celled organisms find it difficult to move ashore, although some make their homes in moist terrestrial areas, mud and under fallen leaves.

What do they need to eat?

The prototist may be powered through three formas.en the first one the prototista eat their food like animals, the second of them the prototista absorb nutrients that exist in your environment and act as decomposers of the material organic and in the third, the prototista carry out photosynthesis as the target.

They can be according to their autotrophic or heterotrophic diet:
·       Autotroph, only a species of flagellated protozoan Eugenians that own chloroplasts and chlorophyll obtain food through their own photosynthesis.

·       Heterotroph, most of the members, obtain the energy from foods manufactured by other living organisms that they feed on, eg Ameba, Paramecio, Sténtor, Vorticelas, etc.


There are no tissues except in red and brown algae. They have cell walls of varied composition, and the unicellular autotrophs are covered by a teak. The unicellular predators do not have coatings. The unicellular forms are endowed with movement by creep, but above all by cilia or flagella.


The Protist Kingdom are classified into two groups which are protozoa and algae. 

they are unicellular or multicellular organisms, are mainly water but can also live in moist media. They are simiral to plants but they aren't plants. They can reproduce sexual or asexual. 

Algae can be divided in to groups:
  • Red algae: unicellular or multicellular, they live depth
  • Green algae: unicellular or multicellular, they live in sweet water. 
  • Brown algae: multicellular, they live in salad water.


they are often said to be similar to animals
They are unicellular organisms, with heterotrophic nutrition and their reproduction is mainly asexual by bipartition or sporulation. Some are free-living and others are parasites. The protozoa are classified according to the type of locomotion in: Flagellates, ciliates, rhizopods and sporozoans (they have no movement).

Reproductive function.

They are asexual by cloning, or sexual by gametes.
