• Animal Kingdom

  • Plant Kingdom

  • Fungi Kingdom

  • Protist Kingdom

  • Moneran Kingdom

About us.

We are five future teacher who want to teach in a different way, who want their students to retain the information and have fun doing it. We are five teachers of the future who will never forget that Technologies are fundamental in all areas and, above all, in education. In this blog you can learn a lot about living things from the five animal kingdoms. You can expand information that you already know and, in addition, use the resources we provide to make learning much easier. We live in a world full of each and every one of them, let's take care of them because otherwise they will disappear and if they do, we will do it with them.

Plant Kingdom

Where do plants live?

The place where plants live is determined by their root type; they can be terrestrial, aquatic and aerial.
·   Terrestrial plants take water and mineral salts by their roots, substances that, once absorbed, are carried by the stem and from there they are distributed to the whole plant

Terrestrial plants. 

·      Aquatic plants present the absorption of water and dissolved mineral salts. Its roots are submerged through its epidermis.

Water Lily is an aquatic plants

·      The aerial plants have their roots in the stem and are also known as adventitious, you are holding onto any surface to take what is necessary; an example of them are the vines.

Tillandsias or aerial plant.

What do plants need to live?

The plants to be able to live need of almost the same elements that the human beings, if they were eliminated only one of them, they die. These elements are: earth, air, water and light.

  • Earth: The soil or soil helps the plant to grow and develop as it contains the nutrients that the plant needs to grow and live.  But not all plants need it, only terrestrial plants.

  • Air: For plants to breathe they need air. Air is a necessary element for the life of man, animals and plants; without him we could not live. Every types of plants need air, in addition, the plants are those that produce the oxygen we need to live.

  • Water: The water in the plants helps produce their own food and have the necessary nutrients.

  • Light: Just as humans need a good diet for energy, green plants use sunlight to survive. From the sun they make their own food.

Plant's clasification


  • Plants without flowers: they are those that do not produce flowers.
Fern is a plant without flowers

  • Plants with flowers: they are those with complex flowers that are usually showy, the seeds are covered by a fruit that protects them.
Hibiscus is a plant with flowers


  • Asexual reproduction: it occurs when a new plant is formed from paternal cells, withouth there being fertilization. This is achieved from a small piece of plant: it can be by means of segments os "piecitos", stakes or cuttings, which are cut and planted so that the root (take root) and give rise to the new plant
Asexual reproduction of plants, examples.

  • Sexual reproduction: sexual reproduction occurs when a flower is pollinated, that is pollen grains or male cells that are found in the stamens, festilize the ovules or female cells that are inside the ovart; fram that moment, the seeds are formed and on embryo begins to form in each of them; the ovary matures, widens and becomes a fruit.
They are the pollinators.
